Over the years we have created a range of different digital media, this page is a show case of our work and designed to give you an idea of the range of work we can do, from Websites to Video Games.


Since 1999 we have built various websites utilising different technologies, from html, flash, css, asp, php to database perl and cms powered website. Over the years we have not been afraid to use new tech and keep up with the modern web, click here for our work.


Our aim for Applications is to build fun, and useful little apps for computers and in the future for phones,  click here for more.


Video Games is one of the biggest digital industry out there, at $108 billion in revenue per year and growing. LRS (leave reality studio) is looking to expand into this market, click here for our current titles.


With the rise of YouTube and other video sharing sites, it becoming an important media to be in. LRS currently manages 3 channels with more than a million views find out more on these channels here.


3D models, Animations, Gifs, Desktop Wallpapers, Artwork etc there are many other forms of media LRS has dipped its toe into over the years you can find out more here.