Leave Reality Studio offers a range of service to help you in this new digital age, building website, video editing help, PC building and more...

Website Builder
We will make you a Website, 3 to 5 page site (typically a Home page, About Us page and a Contact Us Page) the extra pages are usually custom to the site, example if it was a restaurant it might be a menu page. click here to learn more.

Website Starter Package
We can help you to get started on your web building journey. We explain the costs, help you decide on the size/needs of your site, give you the tools and knowledge to start your web site. Sometime you just need a little help to get going, this is what this service offers. Click here for more

Website Hosting
This is only for our client who have websites hosted with us, but we do offer to host your site and handle
Domain renewal and give extended support, charge per annual. Click here for more

Logos, Posters, Brouchers, Etc
This is package is to help you design a good company logo, brochures, business cards, posters, leaflets etcs, what ever graphic design you may need help with we may be able to help. Click here for more.
PC Builder
We enjoy building computers we can build you either a top range gaming PC, or a PC to get you by for day to day task, we wont over charge you and we list all the source and prices of the hardware we buy for your computer, with a very small fee added on top for us to build it and deliver it to you (50miles radius of CW5). We can also pull your old files from your old Computer to your new system and where possible keep the setup as similar as possible. click here

Move old PC files to new PC
Got an old file your after on an old PC, perhaps your upgrading or changing computers but want to keep the setup and your old files and software, this service is here to help click to learn more.
PC Upgrade
Have an older PC that needs speeding up, we can advise on the best upgrade for your old computer and install them for you. Desktop to some Laptops huge speed improvements on HD to SDD upgrade. click here

Video Editing
We can help you with editing your video with cuts and effects. Then we will provide you with a digital mp4 video file, a burnt DVD that will be playable in most DVD players and a private unlisted copy on YouTube on our channel so you can easily share the video with just friends and family. This also allows you to see your clip where ever you are in the world as long as you have internet access. Service coming soon.