An FBI agent goes undercover to discover the truth on UFOs, the only way to get in is to get abducted. This game was based on a long animation I made years previously that was based on Flashback and Anotherworld impressive graphics and I wanted to try and make a similar game. This was most likely the most advance game I’ve made to date. It’s a 2d side scrolling game made with a program named backbone. It features many animated scenes and interesting features, such as getting into a car at one point, lead an scientist to safety, take out a UFO ship and avoid a sniper. The game is about 80% complete as it was made in a demo version of backbone (a 2d platform game construction program) and could never quite fix a few errors. For example the start screen loads twice before it allows you to start the game. Graphics where all done in Personal Paint 7.1.
Features:- Highly Animated Graphics, 5 long and varied levels, Help a Friend, Drive a Car, Dodge the Sniper and discover the Truth, Animated Scenes though out the game play.
Requirements:- Amiga or Amiga Emulator (WinUAE), A1200, 68020, 1mb Ram, Workbench 3.0, Backbone libs.
Made:- Throughout 2000, revisited in 2003 and again this year but was unable to edit the files due to an unknown error coming up.
Part of the AmigaNG Classic Collection package
Released for Free