Time to give you lot an update as what we been upto the past year since our last update.

1st September 2019 – start of this report

17th September 2019 – AmigaNG Format Magazine explored

21st October 2019 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtSO9KpKVa0 – Amiga is Alive and Kicking – video for AmigaNG Youtube Channel

23rd December – AmiPad 3.1 goes Freeware! – https://leavereality.uk/merry-christmas-2019/

1st January 2020 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDKlaChWMVc – AmigaOS in 8K UHD – video for AmigaNG Youtube Channel

15th January 2020 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPbS9j46ceA – AmigaONE A1222 Fan Advert – video for AmigaNG Youtube Channel

4th February 2020 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nE_eLwzpyI – Gamesmaster Amiga Game Reviews – video for AmigaNG Youtube Channel

7th February 2020 – New Service – PC building, PC upgrade, Help Moving/keeping old Files to new PC, Logo Graphics designs, Web Hosting – https://leavereality.uk/services/

29th February 2020 – AmigaNG Art Collection 1.0 Released – https://leavereality.uk/amigang-art-collection-1-0/

1st March 2020 – AmigaNG.com – Big revised, updated and rebuilt website

2nd March 2020 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3XuFzTfSBc – AmigaNG.com New Website – video for AmigaNG Youtube Channel

13th March 2020 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrsGQp42qk8 – Amiga Wares – video for AmigaNG Youtube Channel

2nd April 2020 – Covid 19 Update / effect on the business – https://leavereality.uk/oh-dear/

4th April 2020 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1yHfx2x5Xs – Amiga Beat Saber – video for AmigaNG Youtube Channel

25th April 2020 – GoFund me campaign to raise £399 for Make A Wish UK – Success, many thanks to Donors!!! – https://www.gofundme.com/f/Amiga-makeawish

29th April 2020 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zbt0JUN6YQ – Make A Wish – Amiga Story – video for AmigaNG Youtube Channel

17th July 2020 – LifeSkills2U – client website commissioned ended with big updated design – https://leavereality.uk/lifeskills2uU/

31st May 2020 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yI6e2maFdHs – Amiga Day Live Stream – video for AmigaNG Youtube Channel

27th June 2020 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iakoddIJMX0 – Commodore fails to show off Amiga in the Uk – video for AmigaNG Youtube Channel

1st August 2020 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0uVD-tnOCE – Early Eye Research Powered by Amiga – video for AmigaNG Youtube Channel

15th August 2020 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgaItgtGUzo – Babylon 5 Computer experiences a Guru – video for AmigaNG Youtube Channel

16th August 2020 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vO5DYSjyQJA – How CGI was done on TV shows with low cost Amiga – video for AmigaNG Youtube Channel

1st September 2020 – This Update

2 Website finished, 15 YouTube videos, 1 new app, 4 new services added, 1 Gofund me campaign successful, various updates and maintenance on current websites, 3 games work in progress and looked into and 1 magazine started.

So not a bad year, but not the best, we hope to get one new game up towards the end of the year that the main goal now, decided it best not to talk about projects until there finished, so just expect more news towards the end of the year hopefully for that.

Other on going project update

AmigaNG Magazine – on hold, but details can be found here – https://leavereality.uk/amigang-format/

AmigaNG website – still getting updates, look here for latest news on that – https://amigang.com/website-update/

Under Cover Remake / Squeal – On hold for another game project idea I had.

Two Mystery Games – Will try and complete one by the end of the year, there not big games / project but had some fun ideas, like I said dont want to commit to too much or say much until the works done.

Cheers, here to a better Year Three, not just for Leave Reality Studio but for the world in general.